Combine Harvesting
Our fleet of John Deere combine harvesters consist of a 2018 rotary John Deere S680i and a 2018 straw walker John Deere T670i HillMaster which allows us to harvest on unstable ground and in muddy conditions. The two machines allow us to tailor our service to meet your requirements.
Both combines operate AutoTrac and the latest GPS technology, which means that the combine and tractors are fully connected in the field, resulting in greater efficiency. We are also able to map your field, providing you with important data to make informed crop decisions.

Forage Harvesting
Our forage team travel across the region during the maize harvest. Our John Deere 8800 Series Forage Harvester is equipped with DuraDrum cutterhead which gives you a wide choice of cut lengths and the KernelStar processing technology ensures excellent forage quality for our farmers and biogas operators. Our Forager is fitted with Harvest Lab, which measures yield, dry matter and starch content, this data is then reported back to you.
Your harvesting job will be supported by our extensive fleets of trailers ranging from 14t to 20t.
We offer a full clamping service which is carried out by a pair of 360hp John Deere 8R Series tractors, with front mounted buck rakes and rear mounted train wheel compactors to boost consolidation and clamp quality.